HAM and SSB nets

ICOM 706mkiig

A collection of Maritime HAM and SSB nets for cruisers

Since Alena got her HAM license, we are exploring all the HAM and SSB nets which are frequently used by cruisers.

HAM and SSB net overview

There are several nets cruisers use on their way from the Americas to the South Pacific:


Name Freq. time UTC Coverage Comments; Links Type  USB/LSB
Southbound 8.122 00:55 Mexico, Panama Mostly Mexico and Panama; http://inoneday.ca/?page_id=628 SSB USB
Puddle Jumpers Net 2014 8.297 02:00 Americas to South Pacific Alternative freq. is 8.294; all vessels participating in the 2014 Puddle Jump check in via roll call HAM USB
Pacific Seafarers 14.300 03:00 South Pacific Warmup 03:00 and roll-call 3:25 for underway vessels; http://www.pacsea.org/ HAM USB
Central America Breakfast Club 7.083 13:00 Central America Eastern Panama HAM LSB
Picante 6.212 13:30 Mexico Net control is Rob in Puerto Vallarta. SSB USB
Sonrisa 3.968 13:30 Mexico Warm up; Regular NET starts at 1345; 14:45 Winter;   http://sonrisanet.org/ HAM USB
Panama Connection 8.107 13:30 SW Caribbean   SSB USB
Amigo 8.122 14:00 Mexico Starts on 8122 then 4149(4B).WX moves to 8122 at 1430 SSB USB
Pan Pacific Net 8.143 14:00 Central America South Pacific to Panama, Ecuador & the Galapagos; West Panama & Cen. America: Alt Freq:  8137, 8155, 6230 SSB USB
NW Caribbean Net 6.209 14:00 NW Caribbean Alternative to 6D - 6516 SSB USB
Amigo 4.149 14:30 Mexico Shifts here after long range traffic completed. Time vary. SSB USB
Chubasco 7.192 15:30 Mexico Warmup. HAM LSB
Baja California Net 7.233.5 16:00 Mexico Weather 15:15 / 16:15. HAM LSB
Manana 14.300 18:00 Mexico   HAM USB
Maritime Mobile Service 14.300   Carib & Pacific From 17:00 - 03:00. HAM USB
Intercontinental Net 14.300 14:00 Carib & Pacific From 14:00 - 17:00 HAM USB





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